Procell Stem Cell Microneedling as an Effective Hair Restoration Treatment

Hair loss is an experience that’s familiar to many people, particularly aging adults. Close to 80% of adult men will have a run-in with hair loss, at some point in their lifetime. In fact, by the age of just 50, almost half of all men will see signs of hair loss. The same can also be said for approximately 40% of women, of that same age.

No matter your age, if you’re beginning to see hair loss, know that your current situation isn’t hopeless — as distressing or unsettling as it may feel. Many people form a unique sort of attachment to their hair, so loss of hair can almost feel like a small loss of identity. However, at the end of the day, it’s important to remember that potential solutions or treatments are out there.

One of these hair loss restoration treatments is called stem cell microneedling, or stem cell therapy. This is a popular treatment for those experiencing hair loss, including those with androgenic alopecia.

Why Might Someone Want to Receive a Stem Cell Microneedling Treatment?

Stem cell microneedling is a versatile treatment and is used for more than simply hair loss. In some instances, microneedling is used as a cosmetic facial treatment, in order to trigger the natural healing process of the skin. Microneedling is a fantastic option for tightening the skin, healing scars, and creating collagen.

Regarding hair restoration, however, hair loss can be quite a traumatic experience in some instances. Often, people don’t simply want to sit back and allow their hair to fall out. Intervention is often possible and is a route that’s frequently taken. Stem cell microneedling is an accessible, effective option when it comes to the hair regrowth process.

Furthermore, a number of people appreciate the fact that stem cell microneedling is a non-surgical process. This is favorable for a number of reasons, including the lack of a recovery time, as would be the case following a surgical procedure. After receiving a stem cell microneedling treatment, you’re free to return to your life, without being temporarily sequestered to your bed, or other recovery concerns.


If you’re currently experiencing hair loss, then consider microneedling of the scalp as a viable option.


The Basics of Microneedling for Nonsurgical Hair Restoration (And the Science Behind It)

  • Note that most stem cell therapy requires 3 treatments 4–6 weeks apart when first starting out. However, the actual number of treatments needed varies per patient.

  • Compared to surgical hair restoration options, stem cell microneedling is truly a bargain. For instance, if you’ve ever considered a hair transplant, you may have been disheartened during your research. After all, while this surgical procedure is popular and effective, it comes at a very high price. Depending on where you receive your hair transplant, you can expect to pay several thousand dollars. In some cases, you could expect to pay as much as $10,000 — and there are even $20,000 options out there.

    For some people suffering from hair loss, whether minor or severe, the high cost of a surgical hair transplant may not be worth it. Maybe you’re bothered by your hair loss, but not to the extent that you’re willing to pay a large sum of money to correct the issue. Or maybe the cost is simply outside your budget, whether or not you’d be willing to hand over the money.

    This is a fantastic reason to consider a more affordable (but still effective) procedure, such as Procell pure stem cell microneedling. Microneedling procedures, in general, cost only a small fraction of what you’d pay for a surgical hair restoration procedure.

    At Wellness Oasis, you’ll pay just $300 per month for 2 Procell pure stem cell treatments. We recommend a series of 2 month treatments to obtain optimum results. Considering the incredible results people often see, this is a true steal. Plus, you won’t have to deal with the hassle and aftercare of a highly invasive surgical procedure, such as a hair transplant. It’s a wonderful option, no matter the severity of your hair loss.

    If you’re considering undergoing a microneedling procedure, whether for hair loss or simply for rejuvenation of the skin, consider Wellness Oasis. We make sure to carry the highest quality skincare products, which we’ll apply to your skin during the microneedling process — after all, this is when your skin will be the most receptive!