What is Weight Loss

Support a healthy Weight

Maintaing a healthy weight is important to your quality of life, yet it can be so challenging. Changing your behaviors is key to success. You can create an enjoyable habit that will help your efforts in many ways with the use of our sauna! You get all the benefits of sauna and infrared light therapy in a pleasant session. It’s an easy lifestyle and behavior change that you’ll actually want to stick with for weight loss support.

Saunaing: the habit you’ll enjoy creating

The most current research shows behavior change techniques are now critical to weight management programs. Saunas are beautiful, enjoyable experiences using infrared light to heat your body from the inside instead of heating the air. Infrared saunas can do more for the body’s health in a more pleasant environment (between 110 and 130 degrees) than the harsh suffocating heat of traditional saunas (180 – 210 degrees). Built-in chromotherapy lights create a body-balancing beauty and calm.

Listen to music or watch a favorite show while the infrared light therapy does its work at the cellular level to expel toxins, increase circulation, spark metabolism, burn calories and help decrease the waist size.

Sweat off those last stubborn pounds or break a plateau

Sauna’s cardiovascular benefits are like a cardio workout.

A 2019 study compared participants’ cardiovascular effects in a sauna and on an exercise bike. The increase in heart rate was similar to a short, moderate workout. Researchers stated, “A sauna session is a physical strain. Its long-term positive effects are comparable to sports activities.” The focus was on the benefits to the heart and cardiovascular system, rather than weight loss or muscle development. We call it a “passive cardio workout”

Release toxins and reduce inflammation

Studies have shown that sauna therapy can release environmental toxins stored in fat tissues that can prevent weight loss. Heavy metals and fat-soluble chemicals like PCBs, PBBs, and HCBs can trigger the body to protect itself, resulting in the immune system’s inflammatory response.” Infrared sauna therapy heats the body at the cellular level, helping to detoxify the body and reduce inflammation.

As part of an overall plan, an infrared sauna is a helpful weight management tool

Having a healthy body composition and waist size can help us live a longer, healthier life. A Mayo Clinic pooled study shows that waist circumference is a critical factor for assessing the risk of premature death. As part of an overall program of nutrition, behavior change and exercise, a sauna can help achieve your health goals. A study of diabetic patients attending three 2- minute sauna sessions per week over three months showed a decrease in waist circumference suggesting the benefit of regular sauna use.