What is Infrared Sauna

Understanding How Your Body Works

Give yourself options, longevity, and every health benefit infrared offers. You can choose a clinically-backed health program or customize all three infrared wavelengths to maximize health benefits as your needs change and evolve. Enjoy a peaceful sauna sanctuary, receiving specific blends of our gentle near, mid, and far-infrared to relax, heal and energize your body.

You determine the wellness experience that you want. Everyone has different and changing needs. The control panel inside the sauna empowers you to select from six programs created from clinical research to deliver each wavelength at the optimal dosage to help your body with whatever you need each time you visit the sauna!

Everything about this sauna experience is special. Modify each experience for whatever wellness benefit and ambiance you wish. Touch the tablet, set your program and music, sit back on the comfortable ergonomic bench and enjoy the gentle heat and Blaupunkt sound system. Chromotherapy lighting enhances your sauna using colors from the sun’s visible light spectrum to bring balance and mental well-being.

A single Sauna session is $40, a 5 pack of sessions is $150 and a 10 pack is $220. A month of Unlimited Salt or Sauna is $320 and a monthly, unlimited 12 month package is $300/ month.

Heart Health

A STUDY OF THE HEALTH BENEFITS OF FAR INFRARED SAUNA THERAPY Conducted by the University of Missouri, Kansas City Becky Edwards, M.D., Heather Kort D.O Faculty Staff Advisor: Dr. John Foxworth, PharmD Purpose RESULTS The far infrared sauna did lower both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. The diastolic blood pressure in the far infrared group was statistically significant with a p value of .001. In the far infrared group the systolic blood pressure decreased from an average of 130.5 before the study to 124 at the completion of the study.

In a 2005 clinical study by the University of Missouri Kansas City, far infrared heaters were shown to temporarily lower blood pressure through a program of 30-minute infrared sauna session 3 times per week. The study concluded that sauna sessions, as part of a healthy lifestyle.

Muscle Recovery

No one wants muscle soreness to slow them down. Whether you are a busy mom, a competitive athlete, a weekend golfer or simply trying to keep up with your kiddos, proper muscle recovery impacts your ability to keep doing wht you love. Infrared therapy penetrates muscles deeper, increases blood flow and helps the body recover faster so that you can stay in the game of life!

Infrared light heats the body from within and penetrated the joints, muscles and tissues, increasing circulation and blood flow. Good circulation is critical for proper healing. Red blood cells carry oxygen and nutrients to the site of the strain or inflammation, which helps to create new blood vessels and tissues at the site. The more red and white blood cells that can get delivered to muscles, the quicker they rebuild. Infrared heaters have been found to be 99% effective in terms of far infrared.

Weight Loss

Studies have shown that sauna therapy can release environmental toxins stored in fat tissues that can prevent weight loss. Heavy metals and fat-soluble chemicals like PCBs, PBBs and HCBs can trigger the body to protect itself, resulting in the immune system’s inflammatory response.” Infrared sauna therapy heats the body at the cellular level, helping to detoxify the body and reduce inflammation.

Having healthy body composition and waist size can help us live a longer, healthier life. A May Clinic pooled study shows that waist circumference is a critical factor for assessing the risk of prenature death. As part of an overall program of nutrition, behavior change, and exercise, a sauna can help achieve health goals. A study of diabetic patients

attending three 2- minute sauna sessions per week over three months showed a decrease in waist circumference suggesting a benefit to regular sauna use. Listen to music or watch a favorite show while the infrared light therapy does its work at the cellular level to expel toxins, increase circulation, spark metabolism, burn calories and help decrease the waist size.



It’s frustrating to feel your body holding you back when you want to live a full, active life. Today crazy life places a toxic load on our bodies, from environmental toxicants to stress and anxiety that creates inflammation and other symptoms. The infrared sauna’s fundamental benefit is the ability to sweat out toxic substances naturally. Holdheide’s infrared sauna promotes a deep detoxifying sweat that will leave you feeling cleansed, refreshed, and energized.

One of the body’s safest and most natural ways to heal and maintain good health is to sweat. Alternative medicine widely embraces sauna detox for treatment. Researchers have long told us the body sweats our toxin build-up, including heavy metals. As long as you maintain proper hydration, the more you sweat safely, the more toxicants you’ll expel from your skin and body.

 Near Infrared

For Anti-Aging, Skin Health, Muscle Recovery

General Facts

  • Closest to visible light, acts more like it (like cousins)

  • Penetrates skin’s outermost epidermis layer  

  • Shortest wavelength (700 to 1200 nanometers) 

  • Delivers most energy (like tiny dogs) 

  • Photobiomodulation/ low level light therapy (LLLT) used

  • in cosmetic and healing devices Triggers plants to use chlorophyll to convert light into tissue


  • scientifically proven to

  • Energizes cells best with precise 880nm wavelength,

  • Recharge cell mitochondria

  • Helps reduce body fat

  • Regenerate cells

  • Reduce inflammation & pain

  • Faster wound healing

  • Increase collagen production/anti-aging

Mid Infrared (MIR)

for Heart Health, Circulation, Pain Relief, Muscle Recovery

General Facts

  • The "middle child" lives between near and far

  • Mid-range wavelength (1.4 to 7 microns) 

  • Penetrates body’s soft tissue where inflammation occurs 

  • Hardest IR to reproduce; used for sensory tools in various industries


  • Only our 3 in 1 heater delivers MIR at peak wavelengths (5 to 6.7 microns)

  • Made possible through patented heating technology

  • 3 distinct heating elements heat MIR layer to needed temp

Far Infrared

For Detoxification, Heart Health, Weight Loss, Immunity, General Wellness, Relaxation, Muscle Recovery

General Facts of NIR

  • The "independent oldest kid" lives farthest from visible light 

  • Longest wavelength (7-14 microns) 

  • Penetrates deepest into body (up to 1.5 inches/4 cm) 

  • Doesn’t warm the air, instead sends energy into objects

  • Absorbed and experienced as gentle, radiant heat 

  • Safely, gently improves health at the cellular level 

  • Human bodies also emit FIR energy, used in healing since
    ancient times (ex. Reiki)


  • Only FIR heater clinically proven to raise core body temp 3°

  • Stimulates sweat glands to a deep toxifying

  • Energizes and revitalizes, not draining heat

  • SoloCarbon heaters are highest quality and quantity IR on
    market: 95-99% emissive

Far Infrared


Care for your skin from the inside out!

Healthy, glowing skin can help out feel radiant and confident, and it’s one of the many nbenefits of consistent infrared sauna use.

Rejuvenate and purify your skin

It sounds too good to be true, but science supports it. Photobiomodulation uses invisible, near-infrared (NIR) wavelengths (700 to 1,200.

Skin Benefits of Near Infrared

A study in The Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy showed significant improvements in skin appearance after 3 months of sauna skin therapy.


Naturally detoxify your skin

Infrared saunas are clinically proven to reach deeper levels into your skin, effectively removing environmental toxicants.

Enhance shin tone and texture

In a 2006 study, researchers examines the impact of infrared on collagen and elastin, two key ingredients of healthy skin.

Improve appearance of scars.

Infrared increases circulation and delivery of oxygen to injured or damaged areas and helps with cell turnover, which aids the appearance of scars.