The VEMI: What Does It Do?
The VEMI is the perfect wellness device to uplevel your personal growth and bio-physiology. One 30 minute session will give you the ability to have the ultimate feeling of relaxation and energy restoration which may last for days. After a session feel limitless and ready for anything.
The VEMI is the only luxury energy delivery system that combines three distinct modalities, vibroacoustic, electromagnetic and far infrared heat. They envelope the body in millions of harmonic frequencies, which helps reset, restore and rebalance the integrity of our biological system.
The VEMI biosynchronizes the biostacking of these three effective modalities with frequency waveforms. The millions of frequencies automatically target areas in the body that are low in cellular voltage. By using extremely low frequencies, the VEMI re-establishes coherence and order within the bio-physiology of the user.
Cellular Coherence
Tap into your Intuition
Relieve Stress and Anxiety
Balance energy field/emotions
Effortlessly restore your heart rhythm pattern to create physiological coherence. Coherence is a scientifically measurable state characterized by increased order and harmony in the mind, emotions and body. Undergoing an emotional purge can benefit the entire body, and profoundly affect how we perceive, think, feel, and perform.
Physical, Mental & Emotional Resilience
Deep Relaxation:
Balances the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. Encourages a deep parasympathetic state for relaxation and stress relief. Stress creates lack of synchronization. The biosynchronization of the frequencies helps to restore balance between brain, heart rate and respiration rate.
Personal Growth:
When all the five brain waves are in sync, the ordinary thinking process is “transcended.” It’s replaced by a state of pure consciousness. Achieve perfect stillness, rest, and a complete absence of mental boundaries, and manifest solutions to your wellness journey.
Healthy Cells:
Establishes optimal state of ionic exchange for cells and conditions for optimal cellular replication.
EMF Resilience:
Helps reduce the impact of harmful electromagnetic environmental stress.
Clarity of Mind:
When observing the biometrics with a menla scan, all five brainwaves, delta, theta, alpha and beta and gamma become balanced. Most people who experience brain fog are in a high delta brainwave state.
More Energy:
Enhances cellular voltage as observed by bioimpedance phase angle measurement.
The Vibroacoustic, electromagnetic and infrared all support detoxification of the body.
PEMF Therapy Devices to keep your Cells Healthy
keeping you & your cells healthy
When it comes to cellular health, we offer the most advanced technologies that help to clear the body of disruptive frequencies, restore cellular communication with the body and give you more energy to do the things you want to do!
If the cell voltage decreases...
the risk of disease can increase substantially!
Ion transport activates the osmotic pumps that activate the receptors that help regulate nutrient absorption and detoxification of the cells and increase cell voltage
The body’s breakdown begins at the cellular level. Aging and disease are the results of low cell voltage & corrupted cellular communication. Our cells are the key to optimal wellness.
All Body Systems Are Made up Of Cells & Regulated By Cell Voltage "Ion Transport"
The human body consists of trillions of cell harmoniously working together. If a small energy deficiency arises in any cell or cell group, then imbalances occur within the body. We realize the foundation to good health starts with the cells - cellular health is the key to well-being. We provide products that immediately effect the cellular health and rejuvenation of the overall body. By understanding why supercharged cells and coherent cell-to-cell communication is key to health, all people will be able to live a healthier and more active life
Cellular health is the foundation and the first step to making sure the rest of the body functions at an optimal level. We tend to view the body in parts; A body consists of organs, the organs consist of cells, it’s the trillions of cells in the human body that make up the bones, tissues and organs and it’s critical the cells receive the support they need. Healthy diet alone, regular exercise, supplements and body work is not enough.
Every cell, just like the whole human organism, has a metabolism: water, nutrients and oxygen have to get in, metabolism products need to be taken out. For the cells, this transport is handled through openings in the surface, the so-called cell membrane. These valves in the cell membrane open and close as needed. This mechanism is based on voltage potential, ie; the difference in voltage between the cell interior and the intercellular space. The right or wrong amount of such potential is responsible for healthy or diseased cell metabolism. Frequency therapy is believed to regulate this voltage potential; this is the underlying theory to explain why frequency therapy is a procedure that can be used to support energetic balance in the variety of ways. Humans are only as healthy as the health of their cells and their ability to communicate with each other. Cell health can therefore be determined by one simple perimeter; the electric cell membrane voltage. According to the cell membrane voltage model, a cell ideally has a voltage of -100 to -70mV and that's enough energy to live and communicate with the other cell's. In the course of disease, this voltage is often reduced to -50mV. At -40mV pain and inflammation can start to occur. At -15mV is the threshold below which the cell can mutate into a tumor cell
It opens the channels for nutrient exchange
& detoxification of the cells
The ion transport works at the cellular level to “normalize” the function of cells. Every cell has its own frequency and the frequency package that is embodied in the pulsed electromagnetic signal produces a resonance effect. This patented “key to the cells”. The transmembrane potential of the cell (the potential difference across the cell wall) is increased. This stimulates the metabolic processes. The cell membrane also becomes more porous, thereby facilitating the ion transport effect where both positive and negative ions are simultaneously transported out of the electrolytic fluids and into surrounding cells.
The "patented" phenomenon stimulates electroporation of the cell membrane, where tiny pores or “ion channels” are opened during pulses. This effect increases trans-membrane potential, electron transport, and free radical scavenging, which is significantly important for anti-aging and treating chronic conditions.
Controlled, millisecond electrical pulses induce temporary pores in the cell membrane. The cell membrane reseals and is left unharmed.

Become Resilient to EMF Radiation Dangers
Why our cells have to be at a certain voltage to be healthy
When cell voltage is low, people become tired, ill and more susceptible to health issues caused by EMF
The negative effects 5G (wireless technology coming soon) will have on your body
What you can do to make your cells resistant to EMF and recharge them – so that EMF has no negative effects on you at all.
It's hard to ignore the proliferation of wireless technology everywhere. Cell phones in our pocket, bluetooth on our ears, wireless routers in our homes and offices. EMF sources and applications continue to increase and as a result fears are growing about possible health risks.
A number of epidemiological studies showed increased risks of cancer among populations thought to experience unusual patterns of EMF exposure.
Man-made frequencies like cell towers, microwaves and wi-fi, the frequencies emitted are disruptive to the electrical system of all natural life. The man-made frequencies create electrostatic forces on the sensors of cell membrane’s ion channels. This results in the disruption of the cell’s electrochemical balance.
From Rouleauxed Cells to Energized Cells
We tend to view the body in parts; however, it’s the trillions of cells in the human body that make up the bones, tissues and organs and it’s critical the cells receive the support they need.
Cellular health is the foundation and the first step to making sure the rest of the body functions at an optimal level. Everything can regenerate if you give it the cell voltage it needs and the proper instructions to do its job.